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The Attractions Sawarna very beautiful beaches and exotic scenery in western Java Indonesia

The Attractions Sawarna very beautiful beaches and exotic scenery in western Java Indonesia, Sawarna coast is an attractive beach destination in the province of Banten. Sawarna beach located in the coastal village that has a variety of tourist objects such as caves, Hitan, river until agrotourism.

That's why these attractions make it a favorite to finish the week in the province of Banten. The location was once a jungle beach Sawarna beach named a village Demon.
The Attractions Sawarna very beautiful beaches and exotic scenery in western Java Indonesia

Travelling in the village Sawarna really very exciting unless you enjoy the white sand beaches can also enjoy the beauty of the coral reef snorkeling and small fish.

Many locations are fit for snorkeling one bowl coast, beaches, and coastal headlands cianter monitor. You can also find most of the cave as the cave Lalay, cimaul cave, cave sikadir.

Sawarna beach in Banten is also known to have high waves up favored by some surfers as well as domestic and foreign. Even most surfers from the diverse world such as America, Brazil, Australia often feel the sensation of surfing at the beach Sawarna.
The Attractions Sawarna very beautiful beaches and exotic scenery in western Java Indonesia

If you choose only to enjoy the natural scenery, of course, try heading Laguna Park with luminous white sand. It is in addition to the east up so ideal for those who want to see the beautiful sunrise.

Such attractions Sawarna very beautiful beaches and exotic scenery in western Java Indonesia,  I hope this information is helpful and happy holidays in Indonesia

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