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The beautiful scenery of the exotic in the bay love travel in Jember Indonesia

The beautiful scenery of the exotic in the bay love travels in Jember Indonesia. When we talk about the city of Jember, generally people are going to review the Papuma Beach, Watu Ulo Beach Bandealit Beach and Payangan. Most tourist attraction it is indeed the most popular attractions in Jember and referenced to visit. Beyond that, there is also another favorite tourist in the town of Jember the bay love

The beautiful scenery of the exotic in the bay love travel in Jember Indonesia

The Extraordinary beauty of words that might be going to be asking yourself in the middle of the bay enjoys the exotic nature of this Love. Given the name of love because the bay has a shape similar to the symbol of love when viewed from above.

Therefore take the hill above the Lamb to enjoy the beauty of it. From the top of the hill, you can enjoy the following Sheep exoticism Love charming bay. For this up in the hills Sheep nets is not so difficult, you just walk Area 200 mt. or Area 15 minutes from the parking space. Now, some visitors used levy cost Rp 5 thousand. A very low cost when compared with the exotic scenery we will enjoy

This public Sheep hill meant children - young children love the hill Jember as you know. That sort of thing for many couples who mentions his love in this Sheep Hill. Forms bay-like emblem of love that is the argument why this place make some young people express feelings to his girlfriend

Thus the beautiful view of the bay of love Jember Indonesia if we look from the top of the hill, hopefully this article useful and happy holidays in Jember Indonesia


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