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Curug or waterfall favorite in Bogor Indonesia visited by many tourists

Curug or waterfall favorite in Bogor Indonesia visited by many tourists, Waterfalls another name Curug In Bogor Most Beautiful. Bogor is one area in West Java located on the plateau that makes the weather here so cool. Therefore object vacation in nature so a fitting choice to relieve fatigue for those who live in Bogor and the surrounding area.

Bogor nature in one of its many kinds is a waterfall or better known as the waterfall. In Bogor, there are many waterfalls or waterfall of which has a small size and minimal medium to large with complete facilities.

If you want to search for travel object waterfall in Bogor, we give the list as a reference for the location of your vacation for both of Bogor as well as from other regions.

Curug Seribu
This waterfall is located at the site of Mount Bunder, Bogor. Given the name of the waterfall a thousand because of your time on the way to the waterfall a thousand will find many waterfalls with a mini size.
Curug or waterfall favorite in Bogor Indonesia visited by many tourists

This waterfall has a height of approximately 100 mt. with a fairly heavy water current is not so great, though. Nature around the waterfall thousand is still so beautiful and sometimes you will find wild monkeys here.

Curug Luhur
At the location of Mount Salak, there is a waterfall with a height of 50 mt Area. named waterfall sublime meaning Majesty. What is interesting this waterfall has two waterfalls that parallel.
Curug or waterfall favorite in Bogor Indonesia visited by many tourists

According to local residents previously only had a waterfall alone but local people to make a new branch of the river until the water flowing over the top of this cliff in two. By administrative means Noble waterfall in the village of Gunung Malang, Tenjolaya, Bogor. The rapid flow of water is fairly heavy and flowing water in this waterfall so the water source for local residents.

Curug Cilember
When the glorious waterfall has two waterfalls so this waterfall has a 7-story waterfall. The most under that waterfall are 7 and the top waterfall 1. Cilember Waterfall in place in the village Jogjogan, District Cisarua, Bogor or Area 20 Km when you are from the city of Bogor.
Curug or waterfall favorite in Bogor Indonesia visited by many tourists

Arriving in the location you have to browse through the walkway with trees around it. Keep on the road so you'll find merchants as well as the butterfly garden is called a side of the object Cilember Waterfall travel. Then you will be up at 7 waterfalls and waterfall below the most crowded in the visit.

It is said that by bathing here can treat the disease, youthful drug and accelerate mate. If you want a more challenging trying to get to the first waterfall.

Similarly, some of the most favorite waterfall in Bogor Indonesia, hopefully, this article useful and happy holidays in Indonesia, particularly in the city of Bogor.

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