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Merapi mountain tour is very exotic in the island of Central Java in Indonesia

Merapi mountain tour is very exotic in the island of Central Java in Indonesia, Mount Merapi in a straight line with the Palace of Jogja and the Indian Ocean holds a prime position in the Javanese people. This kind of thing is recognized to be a cosmological Trinity that has a close relationship both. Merapi so fire, South Sea water symbol.

If we climb Merapi volcano, we can take the route of North lane, namely through Plalangan Hamlet, Jlatah Village, Selo Sub-District, Boyolali, Central Java. Plalangan is the last village when we will do the climb through the Selo line.
Merapi mountain tour is very exotic in the island of Central Java in Indonesia

To get here we can ride public transportation from the direction of Jogja to Magelang; Go down in Blabak then continue up the mini bus majors Selo. If want more easily we can rent a car to drive immediately to our mountain of Merapi,

In fact, there are still other paths such as the Deles and Babadan lines. However, the route is relatively more difficult until the line Selo become a favorite of several climbers to date. In addition, the southern passage through Kaliadem Hamlet has been impassable after the great eruption in 2010.

If we want to climb Merapi volcano, well we prepare the water as necessary because we will not find springs all the way to the top. And we also do not forget to bring a jacket if you do not want to freeze ambushed cold mountain air because the cold so felt to pierce into our bones. Duration of a normal journey up to Merapi peak around 5 hours of travel and no illumination along the way, so make sure the headlamp in good condition or we can bring a flashlight for lighting.

In the dark, it does not mean there is no panorama that can not be enjoyed. Such peaceful situation felt, faintly heard the sound of gamelan from ketoprak event in the title of citizens, accompanying each step to climb the hard rocks of vomit remnants. The wind also did not want to be left in the show, he greeted the trees to participate in the shadow, increasing the solitude of Merapi.

When the sun came the next morning, everyone switched. The sparkling stars were replaced by golden rays visible from behind Lawu Mountain on the eastern side, for the ground we trod like a tapestry of gold embroidered from Persia. Mount Merbabu quietly sits on the North side, as well as three other mountains namely Mount Slamet, Sumbing, and Sindoro still remain slightly covered in fog along the West like the pyramids Giza complex in Egypt.

Enjoy the situation of Merapi like this as if to question his legendary ferocity, momentarily forgot that this mountain had swallowed several thousand lives, bury civilization, drive the Ancient Mataram Kingdom to the East of Java Island. Hopefully, your day is fun, good holiday.

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