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Putri malu Waterfall Way Kanan Lampung beautiful tourist attraction in Lampung Province Indonesia

Putri Malu Waterfall Way Kanan Lampung beautiful tourist attraction in Lampung Province Indonesia, Lampung is one of the provinces that have many interesting attractions to visit. Among them are the white sand beach, gleaming bay, national parkway kambas, ranau lakes, krakatau mountain, loyal beach loyal, kalianda, Klara beach, and many more.

Putri Malu Waterfall Way Kanan Lampung a beautiful tourist attraction in the province of Lampung, one of the beautiful and beautiful tourist attraction in Lampung. The location is quite far from Blambangan Umpu Way Kanan which is about 46 km distance, the location is precisely located in Juku Batu village, Banjit subdistrict, Way Kanan.
Putri malu Waterfall Way Kanan Lampung beautiful tourist attraction in Lampung Province Indonesia

But the journey will not make us tired, because along the way we will also be accompanied by very beautiful and amazing scenery along the side of the road, although the road to Putri Malu Waterfall is still a lot of waves that sometimes make uncomfortable in the stomach if we have not to breakfast.

Putri Malu Waterfall, supposedly its name comes from the rock formations of the waterfall that resembles the arch of the human back, so called the embarrassed daughter, big rocks as high as approximately 100 meters, making a special attraction for the Putri Malu Waterfall. So it is very beautiful for the location shooting or spot shooting here.
Putri malu Waterfall Way Kanan Lampung beautiful tourist attraction in Lampung Province Indonesia

Its location is in the middle of the rainforest in Way Kanan, making the Putri Malu Waterfall is a location that is perfect for us to release fatigue and stress with routine activities that every day we face.

The lush trees around the area of Putri Malu Waterfall make the fresh air and clean which we will inhale, will add freshness when we visit here, also clear water makes the tourists who visit the waterfall Purti Malu always want to visit here again to enjoy the atmosphere nature is still beautiful.

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