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Coban Rondo waterfall Malang unfortunate enchanting travel in East Java Indonesia

Coban Rondo waterfall Malang unfortunate enchanting travel in East Java Indonesia. Coban rondo waterfall rocks Malang, East Java. Name cuban rondo waterfall taken from the legend of a bride and groom who had just married.

Originally man woman named Dewi Anjarwati of Gunung Kawi married to someone named Raden Baron Kusumo man from Mount Anjasmoro. Considering the age of marriage is still included because of the young age is still 36 days or general meant by selapan, so someone new bride can not be a vacation away. Until when Dewi Anjarwati took her husband away to Mt.
Anjasmoro, called the origin of her husband.
Coban Rondo waterfall Malang unfortunate enchanting travel in East Java Indonesia

But alas, the 2nd is spotless clean hard bride went to thank the possibility of any sort will take place on the trip. When they reached the middle of the journey, they shocked the presence of someone who does not see the light of its origin named Joko Lelono.

See Beauty Goddess sangan Anjarwati, Joko Lelono captivated and attempt to forcibly seize Dewi Anjarwati of hand Raden Kusumo Baron. Baron Raden Kusumo quickly sent some aides to bring Goddess Anjarwati go and hide in a place where there Coban or Niagara.

Great fights are inevitable, fights on Baron Raden Kusumo with Joko Lelono run exciting and seemed to have the same magic until they both fall on their own duel.

Resulting in waiting for the Raden Dewi Anjarwati already promised would pick her up, but her husband did not come due to a fall in the fights.

Under the waterfall cave hideout house, Dewi Anjarwati, as well as a large stone under the waterfall, is where the princess sat contemplating his fate. Starting from the time of Coban or waterfall hiding place Dewi Anjarwati known as Coban Rondo.

It's a fairly deep in the jungle make you required to walk approximately 2 km from the purchase of the ticket counters. Yet despite the location is quite far away you are covered do not feel tired because along the journey you are presented with a variety of views of the natural beauty that is so beautiful and so natural is still, outside it is still so cool the air too.

With cold temperatures, the Area 20-23 degrees Celsius is not surprising that along the journey will feel so cool. When you get tired you can also relax under the trees so shade or sit on benches intend prepared by travel managers Coban Rondo waterfall.
Coban Rondo waterfall Malang unfortunate enchanting travel in East Java Indonesia

In during the waterfall tour in Batu Cabon Rondo many also some merchants who offer a variety of foods and beverages. There are also some merchants who offer a variety of unique souvenirs you can certainly to make souvenirs.

Welcome traveled enjoy the cool air and fresh in cuban rondo, and enjoy the natural scenery is very beautiful.

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