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Batu Bengkung Beach South Malang the exotic beach in east Java Indonesia

Batu Bengkung Beach South Malang the exotic beach in east Java Indonesia, Malang district immediately south side adjacent to the Indian Ocean is indeed put a million beauty. With a long coastline, there are many sights awesome beaches. One of the tours that I would share this opportunity is a stone beach Bengkung travel.
Batu Bengkung Beach South Malang the exotic beach in east Java Indonesia

Stone beach in the village this Bengkung Gajahrejo Gedangan District of Malang. Area travel time required 3 hours wearing motorcycle from poor town with a path towards a blue spring beach. Previous spring up in the blue there is a T-junction turn left to take the path across the southern.

The beach is rather on the side of the west coast Jaelangkung which is also one path to the beaches that had previously popular as the beach cave china and dead crocodile. The road to the beach batu bengkung  has been quite good, especially the southern cross point which happens to fit the middle there are no road improvements in portions so expect advised if a little dusty.

Because this beach overlooking immediately to the south, in other words facing the Indian Ocean up to normal when a big wave. But so, for the want good shower, swim or merely toying with sea water, the Lord most Prima is already preparing an alternative to still be able to enjoy the beauty and majesty of His creation without necessarily risking their lives with the ferocity of the waves south coast.

Only one lane to get to the see the sunset over the hill that actually that path a few anglers that there is a little challenge is a steep cliff with a height of 10 meter Area. But do not worry, just need the addition of guts and prudence to some visitors who want through

Up above, we were treated to amazing sunset views that make will admire and will dreamy masterpiece of the Creator. Lucky then sunny weather, so before the sun actually swallowed ocean flavor-it's not complete if you do not capture the wonderful moments that the camera shots.

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