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National Park Mountain Gede Pangrango Natural attractions in Bogor West Java

National Park Mountain Gede Pangrango Natural attractions in Bogor West Java. Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is a national park that is in the location of Bogor district, for those of you who prefer the situation of the jungle and wants to encounter various types of flora and fauna unique, you can come to Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park into a tourist attraction in Bogor-based forest national this.
National Park Mountain Gede Pangrango Natural attractions in Bogor West Java

Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is one of the so many national parks in West Java. Size exactly is 21. 975 hectares. The main intent of this national forest is made to protect the flora typical mountain ecosystem is growing there with a few animals in the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango.

Gunung Gede National Park was inaugurated Pangrongo start since. 1980. Its area is in the top two peaks of Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango peak.

There are so many types of plants and flowers that grow in the national park mountain gede pangrango but the interest of the most famous and most searched Edelweiss flower that is so popular and is often in the search by several groups of enthusiasts as well as some mountain climbers. For the type of animals that exist in national parks are protected gede pangrango mountain there are many types of animals threatened with extinction in the location of this national park. including Dog Dhole, Javan langurs, the Javan Gibbon, Leopard.
National Park Mountain Gede Pangrango Natural attractions in Bogor West Java

National Park Mountain Gede Pangrango Natural attractions in Bogor West Java

There are so many plants that can you get in the jungle gede pangrango mountain national park, all is a tourist attraction in Bogor The lot is typical flora of the jungle mountains. Nearby there are 200 species of orchids in this place. there are also amazing there are over 870 species of plants growing flowers. And there are much more types of types of plants and flowers in the mountain national parks gede pangrango

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